Quote of the Month

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

George Bernard Shaw

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

musical memories

I have always been a huge music fan.  Because I am, I tend to associate people, activities and memories with different songs.  Feeling nostalgic  today, so here are a few...

Riding with mom (7-10):
Pop, Billy Joel "River of Dreams", Ace of Base "I Saw the Sign"

Growing up (7-15):
90's country, such as Alan Jackson "Chattahoochie", Diamond Rio "Meet in the Middle", Shania Twain "Any Man of Mine, Neal McCoy "Wink"

Mom driving me to school:
John Michael Montegomery "Sold"

7th Grade DC Trip:
The Offspring-bought Americana
P. Diddy "I'll be Missing You"
Will Smith-listened to cd over and over with Tara

Conway Twitty "Love to Lay You Down"
The Bloodhound Gang "The Bad Touch"
James Otto "Just Got Started Loving You"
Jennifer Lopez "Let's Get Loud"

Dorrough "Ice Cream Paint Job"

Pitbull "Boom, Shake, Drop"

Timbaland "The Way I Are" -turned his hat sideways saying it had a positive message bc the girl liked him for himself lol (Katie and I were riding in the truck with him to check cattle at other farm)

Three Days Grace "Over and Over"
Pink "Raise Your Glass"

Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons.  You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body. 
~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sunday, August 7, 2011

To Induce or Not to Induce...

Well, we are at 38 weeks pregnant, full term.  I am opposed to the idea of induction for sefish reasons; however, medical reasons are another story.  At this point my knees and right ankle truly feel as if they are going to give out at any moment.  I cannot take meds due to Jensen having SUA (Single Umbilical Artery), which makes this a high risk pregnancy.  I also have intense swelling.  I don't want anything to happen to our little guy from going through an induction.  I want him to be fully ready, and I wish I could just let him come on his own time.  I just do not know if I can last another week or more.  I have no plans to ask for an induction before 39 weeks.  My midwives do not induce until 42 weeks pregnant.  I have read where the chance of stillbirth doubles after 40 weeks.  Confused...
Is it possible to get induced?  Can I go beyond the midwives to the hospital? Are my reasons selfish?  Which is a safer bet for both of us?  
So many thoughts, questions and concerns.  I know when he is born life will be a little easier.  Losing weight will certainly help my knees and ankle.  Hopefully, the depression goes away, as well. 
Praying our little boy comes soon!! *Hope you are listening, Jensen Thomas!

"If pregnancy were a book they would cut the last two chapters."
~Nora Ephron

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I Believe...an email forward from my mom

         A Birth Certificate shows that we were born
           A Death Certificate shows that we died
           Pictures show that we live!
           Have a seat. Relax . . .
           And read this slowly.

          I Believe...
           That we don't have to change friends if
           We understand that friends change

          I Believe....
           That no matter how good a friend is,
           they're going to hurt you,
           every once in a while
           and you must forgive them for that.

          I Believe.....
           That true friendship continues to grow,
           even over the longest distance.
           Same goes for true love.

          I Believe...
           That you can do something in an instant
           That will give you heartache for life.

          I Believe....
           That it's taking me a long time
           To become the person I want to be and I’m still working on it.

          I Believe...
           That you should always leave loved ones with Loving words.
           It may be the last time you see them.

          I Believe....
           That you can keep going long after you think you can't.

          I Believe....
           That we are responsible for what
           We do, no matter how we feel.

          I Believe...
           That either you control your attitude or it controls you.

          I Believe....
           That heroes are the people
           who do what has to be done
           when it needs to be done,

          I Believe....
           That my best friend and I
           can do anything or nothing
           and have the best time..

          I Believe....
           That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're
           down will
            be the ones to help you get back up.

          I Believe...
           That sometimes when I'm angry
           I have the right to be angry, but that
           doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

          I Believe...
           That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences
           you've had
           And what you've learned from them and less to do with how many
            you've celebrated.

          I Believe.....
           That it isn't always enough,
           to be forgiven by others.
           Sometimes, you have to learn
           to forgive yourself.

          I Believe...
           That no matter how bad
           your heart is broken,
           the world doesn't stop for your grief.

          I Believe....
           That our background and circumstances
           may have influenced who we are, but,
           we are responsible for who we become.

          I Believe....
           Two people can look at the exact same
           Thing and see something totally different.

          I Believe...
           That even when you think
           you have no more to give,
           When a friend cries out to you,
           you will find the strength to help.

          I Believe...
           That credentials on the wall
           do not make you a decent human being.

          I Believe…..
           That if you trust in God for what you need all things are

          I Believe...
           That you should send this to
           all of the people that you believe in.
           I just did.

"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything that comes along their way."

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Baby Story

It's hard to believe we soon will be a family of 3, instead of 2.  Jensen wasn't planned, but he is such a miracle.  After being told my chance of having kids was slim, getting pregnant literally 18 days after marriage was a shock!  I still remember the night I found out:Dec 22, 2010~I had worked an 11 hour day at work, back was aching.  I decided to go to Wal-Mart and grab a few tests.  Lo and behold--the test was positive!  Tom was already asleep when I got home, so I snuck in the bedroom and woke him.  He had a migraine that night, of course.  I told him I was pregnant.  The three best adjectives to describe his reaction were shocked, disbelieving and confused.  He ended up going back to sleep a few minutes after.  Not quite the reaction I would have hoped for, but it was surely unexpected and a big change for us. 
We had to keep our news a secret until it was confirmed.  After we knew for sure, we told our families...on New Year's Eve.  From then on, the months were filled with dr visits, sonograms and preparation.  We found our March 23 that we were expecting a little boy.  For a girl, we agreed on Emma Anne.  For a boy, however, we didn't agree on anything.  He liked very tradition, common names.  I liked semi-traditional names that aren't as common.  A few days before I flew to Ohio, we decided on the name Jensen Thomas.  Tom found it in a baby names book, and I really liked it, too.
We found out the night I flew to Ohio that Jensen had an abnormality, something no parent wants to hear.  It was found on his ultrasound that he had a 2 vessel cord (also known has sua, single umbilical artery).  After research, we found out it could mean stillbirth, growth restriction, and problems with heart/kidney.  After meeting with maternal fetal medicine, we felt much better.  Jensen was growing ahead of schedule and had great organs. 
We didn't reveal the gender or name until the baby shower, April 17th.  My friend, Andrea and the grandma's threw the shower.  I had a wonderful time with friends and family.  Most girls wore pink, guessing we were having a girl...surprise!
The months passed.  We started non-stress tests at week 30.  And we got ultrasounds every 4 weeks to make sure his growth was on track.  Baby has been doing great.  This takes us up to the present, 37 weeks pregnant. 
To be continued....

"A new Baby is like the beginning of all things- wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities."

  -Eda J. Leshan

Friday, July 29, 2011

New to Blogging/Intro

I have read several of my friend's blogs and thought this might be good for me. I am currently dealing with pregnancy depression, mostly from being across the country knowing only 2 people and from feeling helpless and disgusting physically.  I always heard how pregnancy was so beautiful.  Well, that's a big, fat lie lol You get hair everywhere, gain weight, have disgusting body odors, waddle more than a penguin and get stretchmarks.  It will most definitely be worth it in the end, but for now....it is depressing.
I think maybe writing daily might help me vent and get my feelings out. We shall see how it goes.
Today I am 36 1/2 weeks pregnant, so we are nearing the finish line.  I cannot wait to have Jensen in my arms.  And I look forward to losing weight and getting back into shape (at least a shape OTHER than round!).  Soon after he is here, we should be moving back to Ohio, where our friends and family are.  And we plan on working towards our forever house...cannot wait!  So much good to look forward to, only a few more months to muddle through the hard times.

"It doesn't matter how long we may have been stuck in a sense of our limitations. If we go into a darkened room and turn on the light, it doesn't matter if the room has been dark for a day, a week, or ten thousand years -- we turn on the light and it is illuminated. Once we control our capacity for love and happiness, the light has been turned on."

- Sharon Salzberg

Our Love Story

Most people have a traditional relationship with their significant other.  Ours, not so much.  So here is OUR love story...

I started using Match.com in 2009.  I dated a few guys but nothing serious.  In late September 2010, I ran across a profile that caught my eye.  A tall, handsome man in his late 20's from Zanesville, serving in the Army.  He seemed very intelligent and had a great smile.  I sent him a wink!  He sent me a message, and so we messaged back and forth a few times before trading email addresses.  We emailed a few times and then decided to try the phone.  We talked for hours, everyday.  I am not a fan of talking on the phone...but 3 or 4 hours a day with him simply wasn't enough.  We talked before and after work, sending a few texts through the day to hold us over.  I fell in love, fast.  In mid-October, we shared the 3 special words.  We jokingly discussed marriage, however, I think we were both serious but not wanting to scare the other.  He bought plane tickets to fly home on Veteran's Day.  In late Oct/early Nov, we decided to do something absolutely crazy.  We bought each other rings and planned a secret marriage on Nov 12.  Mind you we are both very much planners and practical, not to mention the fact that we had never met yet!  We were counting down the days...
Nov 11, I got up at 4 am to pick Tom up from the airport.  The time seemed to go so slow as I waited to meet my future husband.  Then I saw this tall, handsome man walking towards me in ACU's.  My heart was beating incredibly fast.  We hugged, and it felt perfect.  We stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up a frozen pizza for lunch then went to my house.  We ate, watched movies and just enjoyed each others company.  For dinner, we went to Bob Evan's, our first date!  When we got home, Tom got down on one knee and proposed with a beautiful diamond ring.  I of course said, "Yes!".  We were so happy.
The next day, Friday Nov 12, we met up with our friends, Alyse and Zack in Zanesville to get ready for our big day.  We met up at the Cambridge Court early afternoon and said our vows.  Tom's flower kept drooping, so I was giggling.  I felt bad, but it made it a memorable experience.  Lunch was at Applebee's with the four of us.  Dessert included delicious wedding cupcakes made by Alyse.
It was an amazing day and experience.  I am certain many people shook their heads and had negative comments, but we have been happily married for 8 1/2 months now.  We are also planning a vow renewal for family and friends to join us.  I would also like to redeem myself by not giggling lol
Tom is my best friend, and I wouldn't change a thing.  Our love story may not be traditional, but it's ours <3

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."
- Aristotle